Thank you for your interest in supporting The Downeasters with a yearbook ad. Select the ad you wish from the items below.
Thank you for considering supporting the Downeasters Chorus in 2025.
If you've already filled out an order form and only need to make payment there are 2 ways:
- Venmo to @thedowneasters -- use the appropriate amount for the ad
- If you wish to pay by credit card click on the appropriate item below and follow it to payment. Contact information is redundant but is required for the card payment
If you'd like to order a yearbook ad we offer several options:
- Full-Page Ad: 4.75" x 7"
- Color: $275.00
- Black & White: $150.00
- Half-Page Ad: 4.75" x 3.75"
- Color: $150.00
- Black & White: $90.00
- Quarter-Page Ad: 1.75" x 4.75" or 2.4" x 3.75"
- Color: $100.00
- Black & White: $60.00
- Eighth-Page Ad: 1.75" x 2.4"
- Patrons/Friends Listing: Get listed as a patron and friend of the Downeasters: $25.00
To see examples of these ad sizes in last year's yearbook, please view the 'Add to Cart' section below. To proceed, select your desired ad option and click "Add to Cart" to pay by credit card on the following pages. We appreciate your support of the Downeasters Chorus in 2025!
Click to view an example yearbook:
2024 Yearbook
To submit your artwork, please email a high resolution image or PDF file to If using the same ad as in a previous year, please submit an email authorizing the use of the previous ad copy for this year's yearbook in 2025. Ensure your file meets the size specifications for your selected ad. If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at the same address or call us at
(207) 409-2736.
Yearbook Ad Sales